Who Am I – An Example

Join our senior pastor Richard Kobakian as he brings the word in LifeHouse Church’s Sunday Afternoon service from the North Campus, Melbourne, Australia. Listen to hear the whole message, ‘Who Am I – An Example’, now!
Two Truths And A Lie

Join our senior pastor Richard Kobakian as he brings the word in LifeHouse Church’s Sunday morning service from the North Campus, Melbourne, Australia. Listen to hear the whole message, ‘Two Truths And A Lie’, now!
Don’t Be Offended By Trouble

Join our senior pastor Richard Kobakian as he brings the word in LifeHouse Church’s Sunday morning service from the North Campus, Melbourne, Australia. Listen to hear the whole message, ‘Don’t Be Offended By Trouble’, now!
The Humility X-Factor

Many of us associate humility with weakness and an inability to stand up for ourselves. However your new beginning is on the other end of your humility. There are miracles waiting on the power of your humility. Humility is the X-Factor that will save you!
The Devil Wears Counterfeit Prada

The Devil wants us to sell out to a counterfeit purpose and life. Ps Richard teaches us that if you want the real deal in any area of your life, you are going to have to pay the full price. It takes sacrifice to build anything significant.
You Asked For It: End of Days

Do you ever find yourself being interested in how the world will one day to come an end? Ps Richard Kobakian explains how the world will end and prove our hope that Jesus will return.