Przemek and Jola Siwek
Jesteśmy Pastorami Kościoła LifeHouse w Poznaniu, a razem z naszymi dziećmi, Asią i Czesiem, tworzymy rodzinę, która całym sercem kocha Boga, Kościół i ludzi. Marzymy, by LifeHouse Poznań był miejscem, gdzie ludzie wszystkich pokoleń odnajdą prawdziwy cel swojego życia, nawiążą głębokie relacje z ludźmi i doświadczą realnego działania Boga.
Richard and Helen Kobakian
Richard and Helen Kobakian are the much-loved Senior Pastors and founders of LifeHouse Church. Both Richard & Helen’s desire is to see people not only connect to Jesus and the Church but become passionate followers of Christ. Their hope is for people to encounter the love of Jesus in an environment of family, excellence, creativity, […]
Tim and Venessa Kreis
Ps Tim and Ps Venessa Kreis are the location Pastors of LifeHouse Adelaide. They have two beautiful daughters, Ella & Leah. Pastor Tim and Ps Venessa, have a passion to build healthy, strong church that connects people to Jesus and his church. They have lead in many spheres of ministry including former directors of Youth […]