Good &

Vision Offering Twenty Five

What is my next step?

1. Pray

Prayerfully consider your sacrificial contribution to be a part of our combined impact.

2. Prepare

Prepare for generosity, Never underestimate the power of budgeting for your generosity.

3. Pledge

In Person

Fill in ‘My Giving Card’ Available at LifeHouse Church


Click here

4. Give

Ways to Give in the following section

Ways to Give

Direct Deposit

LifeHouse Church Inc.
BSB: 083 346
ACC: 12 556 4766
Please reference: ‘VO25 – Your Name’

Credit Card

Use the ‘My Giving Card


Give online via PushPay by texting ‘LifeHouse’ to 0488 202 202 or by clicking the link below

(Please select: ‘Vision Offering’ in the drop down menu)


Place your cash and ‘My Giving Card’ in an envelope and deposit them in the Giving Box in the auditorium. (Envelopes are available at the Welcome Lounge)

Free Event | 11am-2pm | Saturday 26th November
Elmhurst Park (20 Elmhurst Road, Gladstone Park)