Build Your Foundations: Reset

Watch or listen to the amazing message titled ‘Build Your Foundations’ by Pastor Richard Kobakian. Be encouraged to start your reset as you listen!
It’s On His Shoulders: The Thrill of Hope

This year, we have prepared an online Christmas Day Service for you to share with those in your world. Rather than gathering in the church building, you can watch the experience over the weekend as we explore the heart-warming message of hope found through Jesus. Gather people from your family, community or work for a […]
The Thrill of Hope

This year, we have prepared an online Christmas event for you to share with those in your world. Rather than gathering in the church building, you can watch the experience over the weekend as we explore the heart-warming message of hope found through Jesus. Gather people from your family, community or work for a brunch, […]
Great Expectation: Thrill of Hope

Watch the full Sunday service or listen to the amazing message titled ‘Great Expectation.’ Be encouraged as you listen to this inspiring message!
Fire Is Passion: Fresh Fire

Watch the full Sunday service or listen to the message titled ‘Fire Is Passion’ by Pastor Richard Kobakian. Be blessed as you listen to this amazing word!
The Secret To Thriving: Thrive

Watch the full Sunday service or listen to the message titled “The Secret To Thriving.” Be inspired to learn how to thrive in everything you do!
Stay Humble: Thrive

Watch the full Sunday service or listen to the message titled ‘Stay Humble’ by Pastor Richard Kobakian. Be inspired and encouraged as you listen to this amazing message!
Sweat The Small Things: Relationship Series

Watch the full Sunday service or listen to the amazing message titled ‘Sweat The Small Things’ by Pastor Richard Kobakian. Be encouraged as you listen to this inspiring message!
The Determining Factor: Relationship Series

Sunday has rolled around again, and we have been excitedly awaiting the second instalment of our annual ‘Relationship Series’. This week our Senior Pastor, Richard Kobakian spoke about the ‘The Determining Factor’. Ps Richard explains that friendship is the highest form of relationship because friends are a choice. We don’t get to choose our family, parents, siblings, or in-laws; but we […]
The Danger Of Anger: Relationship Series

This week our Senior Pastor, Richard Kobakian, continued our annual Relationship Series with ‘The Danger of Anger‘. The topic of relationships is very dear to Ps Richard’s heart. In fact, he’s just published a book called ‘Sixty Second to Save Your Relationship’, which aims to provide quick and easy advice to achieve to flourishing relationships. […]